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LBC Tank Terminals Goes Digital with UAB-Online

Written by UAB-Online | 06 March 2025

LBC Tank Terminals, a global leader in liquid bulk storage, has taken a significant step toward digitalisation by integrating UAB-Online into its operations at three locations; Rotterdam, Antwerp and Lillo. This transition enhances the efficiency, safety, and compliance of LBC's terminal activities. The implementation has been rolled out in three structured phases, ensuring a seamless adaptation for all stakeholders.

About LBC Tank Terminals

LBC Tank Terminals is a prominent international provider of liquid bulk storage solutions, with operations spanning across Europe and the Americas. The company specialises in handling a wide range of chemicals, base oils, and products that support the energy transition. LBC is dedicated to delivering safe, reliable, and sustainable services to its customers, making digital transformation a crucial part of its long-term strategy.

Why LBC Tank Terminals chose UAB-Online

By implementing UAB-Online’s platform, LBC Tank Terminals benefit from increased efficiency as manual paperwork and time-consuming administrative tasks are replaced with automated workflows, allowing for quicker and more efficient handling of documents and checklists. Additionally, with enhanced compliance and safety through digital checklists such as ADN, CDNI, and SSSCL, LBC ensures adherence to international safety regulations, minimizing risks and improving overall operational safety. Furthermore, with seamless document management through the UAB-Online platform, documents can now be created, shared, and managed effortlessly. The introduction of phased implementation has allowed LBC to adopt a structured approach to digitisation. Next, with real-time information sharing like the NOR (Notice of Readiness) submissions, vessel and barge documentation as well as operational arrangements can now be processed in real-time, eliminating delays and enhancing communication between stakeholders. Finally, sustainable and paperless operations support LBC in transitioning to a fully digital workflow with reduced paper waste, aligning with its sustainability objectives and corporate responsibility goals.

Phases of implementation

The transition to UAB-Online at LBC Tank Terminals was executed in three strategic phases to ensure a smooth and structured digital transformation:

  • Phase 1: Creating dossiers and receiving NORs
    LBC began by integrating UAB-Online for creating dossiers and receiving NORs for both barges and vessels. This marked the initial step in streamlining document processing and approvals.
  • Phase 2: Sharing documents in PDF format
    The next phase introduced the ability to share critical documentation via PDF, improving accessibility and transparency for all involved parties.
  • Phase 3: Full document creation and digital checklists
    In the final stage, LBC Tank Terminals implemented full document creation capabilities, including: VOW (Vessel Operational Workflow), ADN (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways), CDNI (Convention on the Collection, Deposit, and Reception of Waste from Ships) SSSCL (Safety and Security Ship Checklist) and Operational Arrangement

These functionalities ensure that LBC operates with maximum compliance, security, and efficiency.


LBC Tank Terminals’ adoption of UAB-Online marks a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey. By embracing automation and digital checklists, LBC enhances its operational efficiency, compliance, and overall service quality. This implementation aligns with the company's vision to innovate and improve its terminal operations while maintaining the highest safety standards. As digitalisation becomes the industry standard, LBC Tank Terminals is setting a benchmark for the future of liquid bulk storage management.