Our application platform is continuously innovating, so that all stakeholders in liquid bulk shipping can optimize their processes by using our application. We have made a number of important changes to actively involve more parties in the announcement process.

We are proud to announce that today we have added new functionalities for all surveyors and agents.

Surveyors and agents can now be more actively involved in the registration process by participating in uploading, sharing and signing documents within UAB-Online's digital files.

If you would like to know more about these functionalities, please contact us or if you would like to know what UAB-Online can do for you, visit our website.

Basv1} Demonstration UAB-Online product shipping digitalisation


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Would you like to know more about our software solution, what we can do specifically for you? Schedule a demo with our expert Bas Been and he will be happy to help you.

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Basv1 Demonstration UAB-Online product shipping digitalisation